Date: |
20 May 2021 |
Time: |
4.30pm |
Venue |
Hove Town Hall - Council Chamber |
Members: |
Councillors: Robins (Chair), Mears (Deputy Chair), Allcock, Appich, Atkinson, Bagaeen, Barnett, Bell, Brennan, Brown, Childs, Clare, Davis, Deane, Druitt, Ebel, Evans, Fishleigh, Fowler, Gibson, Grimshaw, Hamilton, Heley, Henry, Hills, Hugh-Jones, Janio, John, Knight, Lewry, Littman, Lloyd, Meadows, Mac Cafferty, McNair, Miller, Moonan, Nemeth, Nield, O'Quinn, Osborne, Peltzer Dunn, Phillips, Pissaridou, Platts, Powell, Rainey, Shanks, Simson, C Theobald, West, Wilkinson, Williams and Yates.
Note: In response to current Government Regulations and the agreement of Members, the meeting is being held with limited attendance. |
Contact: |
Mark Wall Head of Democratic Services 01273 291006 |
Page |
1 Council Business - Newly Elected Councillors |
The Mayor will invite Councillors Mac Cafferty and Bell to introduce their newly elected councillors for Hollingdean & Stanmer and Patcham Wards respectively to the Mayor:
Councillor John – Hollingdean & Stanmer Councillor Meadows – Patcham. |
2 Declarations of Interest |
(a) Disclosable pecuniary interests; (b) Any other interests required to be registered under the local code; (c) Any other general interest as a result of which a decision on the matter might reasonably be regarded as affecting you or a partner more than a majority of other people or businesses in the ward/s affected by the decision.
In each case, you need to declare (i) the item on the agenda the interest relates to; (ii) the nature of the interest; and (iii) whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest or some other interest.
If unsure, Members should seek advice from the Monitoring Officer or Democratic Services Officer preferably before the meeting. |
3 Mayoral Report 2020/21 |
9 - 12 |
Report of the Chief Executive. |
Contact Officer: |
Mark Wall, Minna Robertson |
Tel: 01273 291006 Tel: 01273 291225 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
4 Mayor's Communications. |
To receive communications from the Mayor. |
5 Election of the Mayor of Brighton and Hove for the Municipal Year 2021/22 |
The Mayor will seek nominations for the Mayor for the municipal year 2021/22.
It is proposed that the Council elects Councillor Alan Robins as Mayor for the municipal year 2021/22. |
6 Appointment of the Deputy Mayor for Brighton and Hove for the Municipal Year 2021/22 |
The Mayor will move the appointment of the Deputy Mayor for the municipal year 2021/22.
It is proposed that the Council elects Councillor Mary Mears as Deputy Mayor for the municipal year 2021/22. |
7 Appointment of the Leader of the Council for the Municipal Year 2021/22 |
The Mayor will seek nominations for the Leader of the Council for the municipal year 2021/22.
It is proposed that the Council elects Councillor Mac Cafferty as Leader of the Council for the municipal year 2021/22. |
8 Appointments for 2021/22 |
The Mayor will move the following appointments for 2021/22:
(a) To approve the appointment of the Joint Deputy Leaders of the Council, Councillors Clare & Shanks (job-share);
(b) To approve the appointment of the Joint Leaders of the Official Opposition, Councillors Allcock & Appich (job-share) ;
(c) To note the appointments of the following positions as agreed by the respective Groups represented on the Council:
(i) Convenor of the Green Group, Councillor Mac Cafferty;
(ii) Deputy Convenors of the Green Group Councillor Clare (External) and Councillor Shanks (Internal);
(iii) Joint Leaders of the Labour Group Councillors Allcock & Appich;
(iv) Deputy Leader of the Labour Group Councillor Evans;
(v) Leader of the Conservative Group Councillor Bell;
(vi) Deputy Leaders of the Conservative Group Councillor Nemeth and Councillor Simson. |
Reports for Decision |
9 Review of Political Balance 2021/22 |
To Follow |
Report of the Chief Executive (to follow). |
Contact Officer: |
Mark Wall |
Tel: 01273 291006 |
Ward Affected: |
All Wards |
10 Close of Meeting |
The Mayor will move a closure motion under Procedure Rule 17 to terminate the meeting 4 hours after the beginning of the meeting (excluding any breaks/adjournments). |
Chief Executive
Hove Town Hall
Norton Road
Date of Publication - Wednesday, 12 May 2021
PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT The City Council actively welcomes members of the public and the press to attend its meetings and holds as many of its meetings as possible in public. Provision is also made on the agendas for public questions to committees and details of how questions can be raised can be found on the website and/or on agendas for the meetings.
The closing date for receipt of public questions and deputations for the next Council meeting on the 15 July is 12 noon on the fourth working day before the meeting. There is no public involvement at the Annual Council Meeting.
WEBCASTING NOTICE This meeting may be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s website. At the start of the meeting the Chair will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed. You should be aware that the Council is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act 1998. Data collected during this web cast will be retained in accordance with the Council’s published policy.
Therefore, by entering the meeting room and using the seats in the chamber you are deemed to be consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for the purpose of web casting and/or Member training. If members of the public do not wish to have their image captured, they should sit in the public gallery area.
If you have any queries regarding this, please contact the Head of Democratic Services or the designated Democratic Services Officer listed on the agenda.
ACCESS NOTICE In response to current Government Regulations this meeting is being held with a limited attendance and will also be webcast live to the internet.
The Public Gallery is situated on the first floor of the Town Hall and is limited in size but does have 2 spaces designated for wheelchair users. There is an accessible lift to the first floor and ramped access to the public gallery. However, the lift cannot be used as part of a manged evacuation and therefore anyone unable to use the stairs or transfer to an evac chair should not use the public gallery but seek assistance from reception.
We have made a number of adjustments to make the venue as accessible as possible and the seated spaces available in the public gallery can be used by disabled people who are not wheelchair users.
Infra-red hearing aids are available for use during the meeting. If you require any further information or assistance, please contact the receptionist on arrival.
If you wish to attend a meeting but are unable to use stairs please contact the Democratic Services Team (Tel: 01273 291066 or Email: in advance of the meeting to discuss your access requirements. We can then work with you to enable your attendance and also to ensure your safe evacuation from the building in the event of an emergency.
If the public gallery is full, Room G87 on the ground floor can be used as an inclusive space with video conferencing facilities and AV links to the council chamber, level access, and nearby WC facilities, including wheelchair accessible provision. From this room you can watch the meeting and take part in proceedings, for example if you have submitted a public question.
FIRE / EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE If the fire alarm sounds continuously, or if you are instructed to do so, you must leave the building by the nearest available exit. You will be directed to the nearest exit by council staff. It is vital that you follow their instructions: · You should proceed calmly; do not run and do not use the lifts; · Do not stop to collect personal belongings; · Once you are outside, please do not wait immediately next to the building, but move some distance away and await further instructions; and · Do not re-enter the building until told that it is safe to do so.
FURTHER INFORMATION For further details and general enquiries about this meeting contact Mark Wall, (01273 291006, email or email